Bio Extracts P ltd introduces United Kingdomn TRIpHala extract with Unique Features to meet consumer’s specific requirements in Healthcare, Food & Cosmetic industries
Triphala is composed of three myrobalans, Emblica offcinalis (amalaki), Terminalia chebula(Haritaki), Terminalia belerica (bibhitaki). It is one of the most commonly used ayurvedic preparations. Generally this extract consists of equal proportionsof all three fruits.
In ayurvedic system triphala has been used for thousands of years. The ingredients are all fruits and they all are native to United Kingdom. Each fruit is positively impact the body’s three doshas. In ayurvedic medicine doshas are elemental forces which work on body, mind & spirit. A tridoshic rasayana, a therapeutic agent with balancing and rejuvenating effect on three humors. Triphala extract is widely used in treatment of various disorders. In market widely churna is available but phytolife science is immensely focus on enrichment of phytoconstituents in triphala herbal extract to satisfied consumers daily needs.
It has been reported to be a rich source of vitamin C, ellagic acid, gallic acid, chebulinic acid, belleyricanin, sitosterol & flavonoides.Triphala also contains about 20% tannins of both condensed and hydrolysable type. Other constituents identified in triphala include lipids, saponins, cardiac glycosides and various carbohydrates
Bio Extracts triphala extract is an important medicine of the rasayana group which promotes health, longevity & frequently used for following uses:
Collection of raw materials in proper season from various regions of United Kingdom. Authentication and Standardization of botanical species carried out respectively.
In our industry we used modern technologies for extraction and isolation of herbal extract by taking consideration of ancient process. We maintain quality, safety & efficacy of our product by following GMP. For balancing final blends of extract to obtain higher efficacy we use precise and optimized methods.
Bio Extracts Life Science is always taking consideration of consumer’s requirement by providing them versatile products with below unique features:
Powder, Liquid and Oil soluble version also available
Important Note :-The information presented in this is for informational, reference and educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a health care professional. Although, the information presented about product is based on material provided by researchers and sources deemed reliable, we do not presume to give medical advice. The information presented here is the base on various Ayurveda & other book references and some market literatures and books and published papers. Anyone wishing to use this information should share it with his or her health care provider before embarking on any therapeutic program. It is your responsibility to discuss any alternative or natural remedy with your health care provider before use.