Bio Extracts Life Science introduces broad varieties of customized United Kingdomn MILK THISTLE extract with Unique Features to meet consumer’s specific requirements in Healthcare, Food & Cosmetic industries
Milk thistle seed are medicinal part of plant which is endogenous to has been widely cultivated in United Kingdom. The seeds have been used for more than 2000 years as a treatment for liver and biliary disorders. In the Milk thistle silimarin is a active constituents which is mixture of flavonol lignance comprised of four isomers: silibinin, isosilibinin, silichrystin, sildianin. Silimarin is most well known for its antioxidant and chemoprotectant effect on the liver. Considering the beneficiary effect of these constituents our organization enriched it up to.
Silymarin accounts for 1.5–3 percent of the dry weight of the fruit and is an isomeric mixtureof unique flavonoid-flavonolignan complexes.Silymarin, isosilybin, slychristin, isosilychristin, silydianin and silimonin are the main representatives of this group. The chemical composition of milk thistle fruit in addition to flavonolignans also
Include other flavonoids (such astaxifolin, quercetin,dihydrokaempferol, kaempferol,apigenin, naringin, eriodyctiol, and chrysoeriol), 5,7-dihydroxy chromone, dehydroconiferylalcohol, fixed oil (linoleic acid; oleic acid palmitic acid), tocopherol, sterols(cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, and sitosterol),sugars (arabinose, rhamnose, xylose,and glucose), and proteins
Milk Thistle herbal extract is cost effective and biologically potent with formulation application as follows:
Collection of raw material in proper season from various regions of United Kingdom. Authentication and Standardization of botanical species carried out respectively.
Our organization adopted USP based methods for extraction to maintain quality, safety & efficacy of our product by following GMP. For enrichment of herbal extract, we optimized & monitored critical process parameters to achieve desire end product which conserve its natural aroma and taste to satisfy consumers need. Product Processed & stored under strictly hygienic production environment.
Bio Extracts Life Science is always taking consideration of consumer’s requirement by providing them versatile products with below unique features:
Powder, Liquid and Oil soluble version also available
Store at cool and dry place
Important Note :-The information presented in this is for informational, reference and educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a health care professional. Although, the information presented about product is based on material provided by researchers and sources deemed reliable, we do not presume to give medical advice. The information presented here is the base on various Ayurveda & other book references and some market literatures and books and published papers. Anyone wishing to use this information should share it with his or her health care provider before embarking on any therapeutic program. It is your responsibility to discuss any alternative or natural remedy with your health care provider before use.