Standardized Extracts &
Bio Extracts Chemicals

Indian Senna Extract

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Green Coffee Extract

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Green Tea Extract

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Ashwagandha Extract

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Garlic Extract

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Our broad range of ingredients

Ajwain Extract

Oil content 2-5%

Aloe vera Extract

Mucilage 20%

Andrographis Extract

Andrographolides 10-50% Bitters 3-5%

Arjuna Extract

Tannins 25%

Asparagus Extract

Saponins 10-40%

Bacopa Extract

Bakuchiol HPLC

Bakuchi Extract

Banaba Extract

Corosolic acid 1-2%

Beet root Extract


Bitter gourd Extract

Bitters 6%

Boswellia Extract


Capsicum Extract

Capsicin 5-20% HPLC

Cardamom Extract

Oil content 2-5%

Catechin 65 Extract


Centella Extract

Triterpenoids 10-30% HPLC Saponins 20-40%

Chaste Tree Extract

Polyphenols 10-20%

Cinnamon Extract

Poly phenols 20-40%

Cinnamon leaves Extract

Poly phenols 20-40%

Cissus Extract

Ketosterones 1-5%

Clove Extract

Oils content 1%

Curcumin 95 Extract

95% curcuminoids HPLC


Fennel seed Extract

Oil contents 1%

Fenugreek Extract

Saponins 10-40%

Flax seed Extract

Omega fatty acid Saponins 10%

Garcinia Extracts

HCA 10-60% HPLC

Garlic Extract

Allin/Allicin 1-2.5% HPLC

Ginger Extract

Total Gingerols 24-6% HPLC

Ginko biloba P.E. Extract

Tannins 20-40%

Gosseberry Extract

Grape seed P.E.

PAC 95% by UV

Green Coffee Extract

Chlorogenic acid 40-50% HPLC

Green tea Extract

Polyphenols 50-95% HPLC

Guggul Extract

Total guggulsterones 2-5% UV

Gymnema Extract

Gymnemic acid 10-75%

Hibiscus Extract


Holy basil Extract

Urosolic acid 2-5% HPLC Tannins 5%

Indian Kino Extract

Pterostilene HPLC

Liquorice Extract

Glabradin HPLC

Senna Extract

10-20% HPLC

Indian Kudzu Extract

Flavones 2-6 %

Liquorice Extract

Glycyrrhizin 8-25% HPLC


6% & 10%

Maca(Bhringraj) Extract

Wadelolactone(Bitters) 1-3%

Mace Extract

Oil content 5-10%

Morinda Extract

Alkaloid 0.1%

Moringa Extract

Mucuna extract

L-dopa 10-50% HPLC

Neem Extract

Bitters 2.5-5%

Onion Extract


Orange peel Extract

Flavones 4%

Panax Ginseng P.E.

Ginsenosides 20% HPLC

Piper longum Extracts

Piperine 5-10% HPLC

Piper longum root extract

Piperine 5% HPLC

Piperine 95

95% by HPLC

Pomegranate Extract

65-70% polyphenols & 40% Ellagic acid

Rosemery Extract

Tannins 10%

Silymarin P.E.

Silybin 70-80% UV

Tribulus Extracts

Saponins 10-40%

Valerian Extract

Valerin acid 1-3% HPLC Bitters 3-5%

Wheat Grass Extract

Protein 20-40%

White Musli Extract

Saponin 10-35%


Patented products protected by valid patents are not offered for sale in countries where the sale of such products constitutes patent infringement and the liability for patent infringement is exclusive at buyer's risks.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.