Bio Extracts Life Science introduces broad varieties of customized Indian Bacopa extract with Unique Features to meet consumer’s specific requirements in Healthcare, Food & Cosmetic industries
The leaves of this plant are succulent, oblong and 4–6 millimeters thick. Leaves are oblanceolate and are arranged oppositely on the stem. The flowers are small and white, with four or five petals. Its ability to grow in water makes it a popular aquarium plant. It can even grow in slightly brackish conditions. Propagation is often achieved through cuttings.
The best characterized compounds in Bacopa monnieri are dammarane types of triterpenoid saponins known as bacosides, with jujubogenin or pseudo-jujubogenin moieties as aglycone units. Bacosides comprise a family of 12 known analogs. Novel saponins called bacopasides I–XII have been identified more recently. The alkaloids brahmine, nicotine, and herpestine have been catalogued, along with D-mannitol, apigenin, hersaponin, monnierasides I–III, cucurbitacins and plantainoside B.
The constituent most studied has been bacoside A, which was found to be a blend of bacoside A3, bacopacide II, bacopasaponin C, and a jujubogenin isomer of bacosaponin C.These assays have been conducted using whole plant extract, and bacoside concentrations may vary depending upon the part from which they are extracted. In one BM sample, Rastogi et al. found this bacoside profile—bacopaside I (5.37%), bacoside A3 (5.59%), bacopaside II (6.9%), bacopasaponin C isomer (7.08%), and bacopasaponin C (4.18%)
Bacopa displays antioxidant and cell-protective effects. It also inhibits acetylcholinesterase, activates choline acetyltransferase, and increases cerebral blood flow. In rats, bacoside A enhances antioxidation, increasing superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase activities. Brahmi augments Th1 and Th2 cytokine production. Several studies have suggested that Bacopa extracts may have protective effects in animal models of neurodegeneration. There have also been preliminary clinical studies suggesting improvement of cognitive function in humans.
Two chemicals in bacopa, bacosides A and B, improve the transmission of impulses between nerve cells in your brain. The neurobiological effects of these isolated molecules were found to increase protein kinase activity and new protein synthesis, specifically in cells in region of the brain associated with long-term memory. Bacopa also increases your level of serotonin, a brain chemical known to promote relaxation. The herb's ability to boost brain function while reducing anxiety may explain why it helps treat ADHD. Aside from increasing intellectual and cognitive function, Brahmi induces a sense of calm and peace in its users. It is unique in its ability to invigorate mental processes whilst reducing the effects of stress and nervous anxiety. This makes Brahmi extremely applicable in highly stressful work or study environments where clarity of thought is as important as being able to work under pressure. Many people have the intelligence to perform to strict standards, but lack the composure and self-confidence to reach them. Additionally, Brahmi helps soothe the restlessness and distraction that nervousness causes. Brahmi is ideal for students and workers faced with this problem.
Collection of raw material in proper season from various regions of United Kingdom. Authentication and Standardization of botanical species carried out respectively.
Our organization adopted USP based methods for extraction to maintain quality, safety & efficacy of our product by following GMP. For enrichment of herbal extract we optimized & monitored critical process parameters to achieve desire end product which conserve its natural aroma and taste to satisfy consumers need. Product is processed & stored under strictly hygienic production environment.
Bio Extracts Life Science is always taking consideration of consumer’s requirement by providing them versatile products with below unique features:
Powder, Liquid and Oil soluble version also available
Store at cool and dry place
Important Note :-The information presented in this is for informational, reference and educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a health care professional. Although, the information presented about product is based on material provided by researchers and sources deemed reliable, we do not presume to give medical advice. The information presented here is the base on various Ayurveda & other book references and some market literatures and books and published papers. Anyone wishing to use this information should share it with his or her health care provider before embarking on any therapeutic program. It is your responsibility to discuss any alternative or natural remedy with your health care provider before use.